Our commitment to corporate responsibility and integrity
Our pledge to corporate responsibility and integrity drives everything we do as a company and guides the formation of our ethics and compliance program. We have lofty ethical standards governing how we operate our business and high levels of conduct we apply to our suppliers and business partners.
Our business practices and efforts reflect our true commitment to positively impacting the world. We ensure such high standards from ourselves and our partners to ensure trust with our customers, governments, partners, representatives, and each other because it is the right thing to do.
We shaped our compliance and ethics program around these essential pillars: Prevention, Detection, and Remediation.
We continually expand our programs to ensure these goals.
To deter compliance issues from emerging in the first place, we focus on promoting a company culture of ethics and integrity. We do this by creating a mindset for compliance throughout our company. Through our Business code of conduct, internal policies, and training, using data, risk assessments, analytics tools, proactive investigations, and other compliance to minimize potential risks.
We monitor for potential legal compliance issues in several ways, including monitoring through our compliance analytics program, listening to our customers, investigating concerns reported by employees and suppliers, and analyzing trends. All employees are responsible for upholding our standards and nurturing our ethics and compliance culture.
We seek to isolate the root cause of problems when they arise and continually enhance our processes to reduce the risk of recurrence. Identifying the root cause is a core component of our compliance stance and business philosophy mindset. We take action when a violation of our policies and standards occurs, regardless of position, and we prohibit business dealings with partners and suppliers who fail to meet our high ethical standards.
We accomplish our mission by building trust with people and organizations around the globe. Our objectives are only possible when people trust OneStepGPS and trust our technology.
We accomplish more when we devote our culture and values to building and preserving goodwill with our customers, governments, business partners, employees and one another. Employees that disobey our standards face disciplinary action, including termination of employment when necessary. Our policies make it clear that anyone who acts in retaliation against someone for speaking up and voicing a concern is liable to disciplinary actions, including termination of employment.
Our standards of conduct embody our company culture and values and are the principles that guide us every day. Our employees have been embedded with these standards, knowing what is specifically required of them, getting help when needed and choosing decisions that build and empower our customers and global partners. When they succeed, we succeed.
We shaped our compliance and ethics program around these essential pillars: Prevention, Detection, and Remediation.
Our pledge to fostering and sustaining a culture of integrity, ethics
and trust is contingent on our employees alerting us if they notice, or
are concerned about, compliance with our business standards of
conduct, policies, and the law.
We provide multiple ways to report concerns. When you raise an
issue or concern, you can expect your report will be treated fairly,
promptly and seriously.
The President and Chief Officers make up and serve as the Chief
Compliance Officer and bear the weight and overall responsibility for
the direction, adherence and dedication to our compliance and ethics
programs and initiatives.
Through the executive leadership teams, the President and Chief
Compliance Officer oversee the adherence to company policies.